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You Spoke and We Listened

November 30th is Annual Giving Tuesday. 

We are located in small rural community with limited resources available, especially to an organizations such as ourselves – a historical society.  We have a very beautiful home that is filled with numerous pieces of furniture, art and several heritage collections, including:  library, manuscripts and artifacts.  We aggressively seek external funds to enhance our programs and exhibits that are pertinent to our community and to those visitors and residents in the region we serve ~ Adirondacks and Lakes Champlain and George.

As many home owners know it takes more and more each year to keep a home.   For us it cost more  as we must maintain a historical home that requires  very costly services to maintain it to historical  standards.  Two of our  more costly items that require immediate action is repair to the roof’s balustrade and updating internal operating systems. 

With limited funds to hire paid staff we rely on volunteers to carry the heaviest of loads. In spite of all of this we have moved forward with another action item – something that many of you have asked for; and, we have found that indeed it has generated renewed interest from so many.  A revised  program and exhibit model.   As we approach our third year of this new format  we will have three new “themes”  for 2017  ~~ United States entry into World War I, the centennial of Women’s Suffrage in New York State and commemoration of 200 Years of Steamboating on our lakes.   

As this year ends and many of you are making a gift giving review, we hope that you consider us – Ticonderoga Historical Society – as one of your recipients. If you have given to us in the past we thank you for your support and we are thankful of that generous contribution.  If you are unable to make a gift at this time, please consider a future donation of any size.  When ever please be assured that your donation will be most appreciative.

To speak a bit more about the Ticonderoga Historical Society, please find below our year end newsletter.  




Wishing all the warmest and best of this Holiday Season

Xmas HH Ornament

A reminder for this gift giving season.  Looking for that something special?   Please visit our Olde Post Office Book & Gift Shop, main level of Hancock House.  No charge to visit our Gift Shop.  And, more importantly look for our Holiday Season special sales;  and, the great discounts we have marked on many items.

xmas pc 9 sleigh ride


An invitation is extended to all for our Open House, Sunday, December 4th – 1 pm to 3 pm.

11/28/16  – wgd

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