by Robert E. Bartholomew
This book presents the Champlain Monster like you have never seen him before. This warts and all biography of America's Loch Ness Monster by sociologist Robert Bartholomew breaks new ground by taking journalists to task for sloppy reporting, and criticizing local tourist bureaus for their singular focus on Champ Dollars. It presents the most complete history of Champ from Native American lore to the modern-day monster hunters; their egos, obsessions and behind-the-scenes squabbles. Also examined is whether the famous Mansi photo is a hoax, and weighs the evidence of the ultimate question: does Champ exist?
The Untold Story of Champ: A Social History of America's Loch Ness Monster
Paperback: 270 pages
Publisher: Excelsior / State University of New York Press (December 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1438444842
ISBN-13: 978-1438444840
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds