This Saturday, May 21st, at 10 AM the Ticonderoga Historical Society teams up with Adirondack Architectural Heritage, the historic preservation organization for the Adirondacks, in a causal walk along Montcalm Street and speak to the history of the Street while commenting on the “as built” places as being passed by. From the early 1800s the center of business activity was around the “four corners,” today’s junction of Montcalm Street and Champlain Avenue; and, then gradually moved up to Weedville, to Wicker Street and onto the area of the junctions of Rte 74 and 22. We are calling our walk “The Town that Moses Built.” as our two Montcalm Street anchors are: the several buildings Horace Moses was instrumental in building surrounding the Liberty Monument and ending with the Community Building.
Rain or Shine – This is a FREE tour. Please call AARCH at 518-834-9328 for registration, or contact the Society at 518-585-7868.
Starts at 10 AM from the Hancock House.
This program is one of several being presented as part of our 90th Anniversary Commemoration of the dedication of the Hancock House which Mr. Moses presented to the community in the summer of 1926.
Continued from our 3 April 2016 article, that reported on people and business in the early 1900s:
Wood, Barton & Co. – As the only wholesale house in Ticonderoga, the firm of Wood, Barton & Co. demonstrates the possibility of this town as a mercantile center, and gives evidence of its own progressive and able efforts in the trade it has developed in the past five years. The concern has been established here for 16 years, (1893) beginning as retail grocers, then as retailers and wholesalers and finally since 1904, devoting its entire facilities to wholesaling and greatly increasing the volume of business done and the prestige of the house. So far-reaching is its reputation, that its trade extends north to the Plattsburgh district and in other directions covers a territory 75 miles radius. Everything in staple and fancy groceries is dealt in, while flours of guaranteed mills are handled, notably Pillsbury’s and Ceresota, the concern having the exclusive agency for this brand in this section. The main building, rear of the Burleigh House (the original Burleigh Hotel), contains three floors 6,300 square feet and a storage building at the Academy Station (near Blodgett’s Plumbing) comprises 1,800 square feet with full facilities and stock on hand, all orders being promptly supplied and the prevailing market prices, quoted. The company has for its officers, Melvin Barton, president: J.E. Barton, vice-president, S. R. Wood, secretary; F. B. Wood, treasurer and general manager. The Messrs Barton, are responsible residents and business men in Hague and Secretary Wood has been with the company since the wholesale business was organized. Manager Wood, who has always had charge of affairs, was one of the original firm in locating here and his foresight and acumen, led to the promoting of the wholesale trade and he has been the energetic promoter of its expansion and development. Mr. Wood is a member of the Masonic fraternity, I.O.O.F., Ticonderoga Historical Society. He is a trustee of the Baptist church and on the finance committee of the Ter-centenary, (the 300th Champlain Celebration – 1909) his energy and integrity giving him the confidence of those with whom he comes in contact in civic, social or mercantile affairs. (Historical footnote: This building is currently vacant. AKA as: Rowell & Shattuck block, Pearl’s Department Store and Cobbler’s Bench. Building initial construction 1887. Adjoining wood frame building to the south constructed in 1889.)
J.A. Malaney – For 22 years (1887) engaged in the livery and boarding stable business in Ticonderoga, and occupying the present modern and commodious building since 1901, J. A. Malaney is undeniably one of the soundest and longest established in this section. The stable is 70×80 feet, with two floors containing 28 stalls and ample space for carriages; single, double and three seaters of up-to-date designs being carried for permanent patrons, transients or tourists. Animals in excellent condition are furnished and all desirable equipment in harnesses, rugs or robes are supplied and competent drivers, if demanded. Mr. Malaney owns a farm on which he raises most of his hay and grain and his knowledge and experience with horses, makes him especially trustworthy to have dealing with, five capable men, also, being employed. Mr. Malaney was born and educated in Ticonderoga and formerly was the stage driver from here to Addison. He now has the mail route from here to Baldwin in summer. Mr. Malaney is a member of the G.A.R, (Civil War era – Grand Army of the Republic) having served in the First Vermont Heavy Artillery. He is a member of the K. of C., Grange and Exempt Firemen, was village president one year, road commissioner 4, and is now serving his 6th year on the board of assessors and is identified with all interest that promote the welfare of the community.
Ice Harvesting on Lake George
Lake George Ice Co. – Giving complete and satisfactory service, the Lake George Ice Co., has been the exclusive dealers in ice in Ticonderoga for the past seven years, (1902) and has not only adequately supplied the town with this commodity but also extended its facilities and capacities by dealing in wood, coal, hay and straw. As ice dealers the concern has held a high class reputation, having houses at Lake George and cutting there, getting an ice than which there is no better or purer in any market. About 4,000 tons are housed annually and is delivered in season, promptly and at reasonable prices. This Co. also has coal sheds at Ti Creek, with a capacity of 2,000 tons, dealing in all kinds of anthracite fuel of well known and guaranteed quality. Wood years in the village are operated for sawed or cut wood, while hay and grain, a more recent enterprise of Mr. Fish, is dealt in, seven horses being utilized for teaming. Frank Fish the proprietor has been a resident of Ticonderoga for 23 years, and for 15 years was employed in the grocery trade. Founding this business in company with others, he became sole proprietor two years ago, and his application and straightforward methods, have gained him a reputation as a progressive business man, and the Lake George Ice Co., a standing among our import industries.
Ti Pulp & Paper Horse Barn Was located on the Community Bldg Lawn
M. J. Wilcox – Not only as a local commercial enterprise, but rather as an industry of reputation and transactions in three counties, is the furniture and undertaking concern of J. J. Wilcox. Undoubtedly it is the largest furniture house in this section of the State, and the stock carried and reasonable prices charged are such as to satisfy an always increasing patronage. Everything in furniture for kitchen, dining room, parlor or chamber is handled in medium and high priced goods, the newest patterns, most desirable and recommended woods, upholstery and bedding are shown in reasonable and up to-date styles, the trade of Essex County not only being covered, but the patronage extending into Warren and Washington counties. Mr. Wilcox is a licensed undertaker and embalmer and for the last rites of the dead, he furnishes a wide selection in supplies and equipment and conducts the services expertly and with dignified attention to all details. Large warerooms in the Union Opera House block and storerooms are occupied and three assistants are employed. Mr. Wilcox is a native of Ticonderoga and has been in the retail trade for 29 years, (1880) as M. J. Wilcox & Co., later known as Rowell & Wilcox, Mr. Wilcox becoming sole proprietor in March, 1908. Always having the active affairs of the concern in his charge, he has successively extended its facilities and capacities, until it has reached its present development. Mr. Wilcox is a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the I.O.O.F., (International Order of Odd Fellows) Rebekahs, Encampment, Maccabees, Jeffers Hose Co. and Ticonderoga Historical Society. He is commodore of the Tyega Boat Club, was on the board of education 6 years, and the board of health, 9 years, being regarded as a public spirited citizen as well as a foremost mercantile man.
Burleigh House
Burleigh House – As the chief hostelry of this section, the Burleigh House has, for at least 30 years, been known to the traveling public, and has been rated as one of the best in northern New York. under the proprietorship of C. H. Mitchell for the past 12 years, the house has been kept up to the highest modern standard and furnished the conveniences and accommodations a discriminating public appreciates. The house contains 70 rooms, attractively furnished and with several ensuite, Electric lights and bells, hot and cold running water, alert and capable service are some of the features; a café, billiard and sample rooms being attached. The dining room, bright and commodious ahs a seating capacity of 75, and the menu is prepared by an expert chef, the most seasonable and palatable foods being served daily. It is primarily the hotel for commercial travelers and tourists, not only the regular visitors but many transients making it a point to reach here and stay over night, rather than in some nearby towns. A. H. Mitchell, a son of the owner, has had the management for the past seven years, Mr. Mitchell, Sr., conducting the Benhan House at Penn Yan. Mr. Mitchell was familiar with hotel work before taking charge, and his efforts and experience are devoted to maintaining a house of home-like comforts and hospitality for his many guests.
American Legion Formerly – The Ethan Allen Lodge I.O.O. F. dedicated 1905
I. Ledger – As a retail and wholesale dealer in liquors, wines and malt beverages, and a manufacturer of carbonated sodas, the concern of Isaac Ledger, Exchange Street, (Montcalm) has not only a central and up-to-date location in the town of Ticonderoga, but one of the most complete and finely equipped plants in this section. Bottled goods of guaranteed quality and well known blending are handled in the wholesale and family trade and in the manufacture of sodas, ginger ale and other effervescent drinks, the most impoved facilities for cleansing bottles, filling and corking them, are utilized, and sanitary conditions enforced. The Fort Ticonderoga brand of sodas in palatableness and wholesomeness, is reckoned among the most desirable in the market, and shipments are made through this county and into Vermont state. Electric power is operated in the machine processes and 8 people employed, while for keeping liquors of any kind in good condition , and addition for refrigerating purposes as erected last winter and a cool temperature maintained by a stock of 95 tons of ice. Mr. Ledger has been located here for the past four years, during which time, his upright and enterprising business methods have been demonstrated. For 21 years he was located in Walpole, N.H. and was a traveling salesman in that time. Buying out his present business in 1905, In May, 1908, he purchased the property he now occupies, so that as a business man and property holder he has a sound standing in the community. Mr. Ledger is a member of the Elks and F. Of A.
Bank Corner
First National Bank – Organized in 1890, The First National Bank has been a worthy factor in the development of the town and an accommodation and impetus to commercial and industrial enterprises. Doing a business of more that half a million dollars annually, the far-reaching effect of the bank may be realized, since every transaction means financial security, convenience and facility to its depositors, who have at their disposal, every utility of modern financial methods. With directors and officers of known reputation and responsbilility in the community, the bank is wisely and judiciously governed and every effort made to best serve its patrons and clients. Modern inventions for safe guarding funds and books are installed, and all precautions taken in the investment and care of depositsl. As a designated depository of the United States, the bank has a capital stock of $50,000, and its annual statement, issued April this year, (1909) shows its deposits to be $414,694.25. U.S. deposits, $10,000; surplus and undivided profits $59,491.63; while its resurces amount to $585,540.49. Savings accounts are also accepted and in the promotion of thrift and economy, the bank has had such influence, that its depositors now number nearly 1,000. The directors are C. E. Bennett, I. C. Newton, W. W. Richards, F. L. Brust, J. E. Pond; the officers being C. E. Bennett, president, I. C. Newton, vice-president; W. W. Richards, cashier; and their sagacity and integrity have been devoted to a wise conduct of the bank’s affairs, so as to make it a beneficial factor in the community’s enterprised and a leading financial institution in this section of the State.
Actively seeking additional information, or artifacts, about those people (families) and businesses mentioned in these articles.
Hancock House & Liberty Monument
If not a member of the Ticonderoga Historical Society we invite you to become a member – and help us commemorate our 90th Anniversary of the dedication of the Hancock House. And save the date of July 16Th, 2016 to be part of our Hancock House Birthday Bash — lawn dedication ceremony — with entertainment of the 1920s. Get your tickets NOW!!
5/15/16 – wgd